Friday, September 12, 2008


This morning I stepped on the scale and it said 230.8. That's a loss of 10.1% of my weight!


In other news, I think my on-again, off-again, on-again boyfriend is now off-again for good. I'm tired of his fickle moods and the way he keeps blowing me off, so I'm not going to bother with him anymore. He made a date with me for tonight, then abruptly cancelled it yesterday. I texted him back to ask why and he never responded. So, to hell with him. I'm going to go to a thingy tonight after work and meet new people. Onwards and upwards I guess!


SeaShore said...

Congratulations on your 10.1% and ditching the boyfriend! Sounds like both are very positive achievements!

FatGirl said...

Well I haven't ditched him yet; apparently he was incommunicado because of a medical issue. So he gets another chance.

I'm definitely not going to put up with any crap this time though! And even though I pigged out on Sonic at dinnertime I still stayed under 1600 calories for the day so I feel pretty good about that. :-)