Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A photo, finally...

...but since it's me in my pajama bottoms and bra, I won't post it directly here.

It's a side-by-side comparison of me at 245 lbs and again at 189.6 lbs.

You can click HERE for it; be warned, I'm scantily clad. However, I figured if I was going to take photos, I needed to be 100% honest. These photos are mostly for my own comparisons but they're some of the only ones I have of my journey, so I've pasted smiley faces over my own face to maintain my privacy.

Be kind!


SeaShore said...

Wow! What a difference! You should feel so proud.

Lynn said...

WOW...great proof of your success to date and the progress you have made!

Juice said...

HUGE difference. You must feel so good!!! Way to go.