Monday, November 10, 2008

Going to do better this week.

I haven't gained, but I haven't really lost either. Last week at work was tough, didn't go to the gym every Friday night I had a date...and on Saturday night the same guy came over and we had a Zesty Italian pizza from Papa John's. I want to get under 200 lbs before Christmas and I have 9 lbs to go, so I need to put my ass into gear and get refocused!

In the meantime, the guy I had the date with is really cute and sweet, and I like him a LOT. We're seeing each other tomorrow too. :-)

1 comment:

Juice said...

Fun - a date! What are those like? I can't remember. ;)

You CAN make good decisions. You CAN lose the weight you want to by Christmas. Go make it happen!