Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Getting close to that time again...

I'm going to have to endure my T.O.M. (time of the month) again soon, probably tomorrow or more likely on Thursday. I've put on a pound of water weight, which is normal for me when I'm approaching my T.O.M.

I'm just trying to be very good about what I eat, hitting the gym as usual, and I'm just trying to not be concerned about the normal monthly fluctuation in weight. I've lost 8% of my starting weight and that is nothing to sneeze at.

Basically the worst part of this time of the month is that I get very hungry and I crave...CRAVE...starch and fried food. Resisting those urges is the most difficult part. I have my ways of motivating myself. I read articles about living with diabetes. I look at photos of extremely obese people. I then hit the J. Crew website and look at those wonderful clothes that, if I keep up my discipline, I will someday be able to fit into. I try to resist the urge to give in to "logic", i.e. me telling myself "c'mon, one fried chicken dinner isn't going to kill you." Yes it is! I'm weak! I want to lose the taste for that stuff!

It's sort of working already; whenever I eat rich fatty foods now, I feel ill. That's what I want.

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